3rd ROC Solar LLC

Rating: 5

We believe solar should be easy & affordable. Many of our customers find value in re-purposing their monthly electric expenditure to a new solar power system. You are taking an expense (your utility bill) and creating an asset for your home. This is the difference between renting your electric and owning your electric without increasing your monthly expenditures. 3rd ROC Solar is dedicated to reducing energy dependence. Our team of experts will help you determine if converting your home to solar makes sense for your family. Our process is simple, transparent, and packed with information.

3rd Roc Solar has been in this area since 2017 and our goal is to share the benefits of adding Solar to this area’s homeowners. We are proud of our reputation, and we strive to deliver each customer a five-star experience.

Year Established


Phone Number



101 Sully’s Trail Ste 20 Pittsford, NY 14534 United States

Stated served

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